2020 In Review

I thought it best to write about some of the accomplishments I had this past year. Like most of you, I never really feel I get much accomplished or saw no growth from a personal development standpoint. Just another day or year doing the same things wondering where time went. This is the power or magic of writing things down. Writing things down makes you realize that no matter where you are today, if you set some goals or objectives and fulfilled them. You got better. Are there more things to work on? Of course. It does shed some light that you can accomplish a lot over a years time. The question, thenĀ  becomes. Do we want to accelerate this feat? Imagine if you wrote these goals or steps you want to take down on paper daily, and stayed on top of these goals or steps. Now imagine what you could accomplish in a year’s time. I started on my journey back in March. If you haven’t been following me for long, here’s a brief recap. I started out with this work from home idea only having the experience of network marketing. During March, we had the mandatory lock down and this is when I realized 3 things:

  1. I couldn’t afford to be without work for more than a couple of months before things would begin to get desperate.
  2. I didn’t like the feeling of not knowing what to do, a sense of helplessness.
  3. This afforded me the perfect opportunity to work on my Network marketing business and give it the attention it deserves.

I started my current online marketing journey in June and started making my first posts in this Blog shortly thereafter. Most of my attention during these 6 months had been more on technical side of the business. I ran into a lot of stumbling blocks. As with anything, the knowledge I gained from these setbacks and experimenting with other teachings. I most likely would have been accomplished the technical side of things in 3 months. Again, this is why I am writing what I am writing. During these last few weeks I have been spending time relearning some of the material I had previously read. This again has opened my eyes to a lot of things I had read in the past. And has shed the light on a lot of issues I have been having. I’m going to be reviewing some of these passages over the next few months. some of the things I have spoken about in the past but I will redirect you to those posts and maybe shed a new light on some of these topics with a different perspective. Just like I did with everything else I have 6 months of experience and can now see things from a different perspective

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