6 Steps to get paid traffic to your website

6 steps in how to get paid traffic to your website


paid traffic, affiliate marketing for beginnersWhether you are marketing your own products or acting as an affiliate marketer, getting traffic to your website is key to your survival online. Whether this traffic is generated through using paid or non-paid strategies, one is not better than another. Traffic is traffic, but the methods are different. At the end of the day, you need people to visiting your site.

Here are 6 tips you can use to get paid traffic to your website.


  • Step 1: Create a Smart Paid Traffic Roadmap-

    give some thought on how you want this to flow. Put together a plan on how you are going to take someone you don’t know and make them a customer. Majority of the people you come across are not going to purchase from you on the first encounter. People buy things from people they know, like, and trust. This is why you want to understand the buyers journey. I go into this in more depth in this article, What are 4 pillars associated with affiliate marketing?


  • Step 2: Plan Your Budget Wisely.

    Even if you have all the money in the world, don’t spend more money than you can afford to lose. Remember, running a paid ad campaign is a long-term strategy. So, if you can’t commit to a year, I would save your money. Even though you get quick results from paid ads, it doesn’t mean you the result you are hoping for. Creating a profitable ad takes work and time. Secondly, don’t approach paid ads with the attitude that, “I have invested this amount of money and this amount of money should earn me a profit. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. I made a post, “What is a strategy to follow as an affiliate marketer.”


  • Step 3: Create a Winning Ad Copy.

    Be willing to split-test. Don’t settle for the way things are even if your ad is working. Look to improve and make adjustments. What may work to entice one segment of your audience, will not work on another. For example, you may find the graphic’s performs better with one segment of your audience versus another. Same goes for using tag lines. The tag line used in one ad converts well, while another performs terribly. You will never know unless you try. Adopt the mindset that this is a work in progress.


  • Step 4: Launch an Effective Landing Page.

    As above, be willing to adjust copy in your landing page. If not sure, look at the analytics. As an example, what is your opt-in rate? Based on industry averages, how is your ad stacking up? Check your stats and know your numbers. Is what I am paying for an ad too much for me to ever see a profit? Do you know your breakeven point? All of these are questions you need to know the answer to. If you don’t know your numbers its difficult to stay in business. Therefore, know what works. Check out this video, “knowing your numbers”


  • Step 5: Utilize All the Platforms.

    See which ad platform best suits your needs or the one you are most comfortable working with. Once you have found it, stick to that platform until you master it. There is more to creating an ad than putting together some copy and some graphics. Put 100% of your efforts into that one campaign. Make it a winner, get it optimized, before moving onto another platform.


  • Step 6: Introduce Automation.

    It’s one thing to have an ad that is converting well. But if you have no way of staying in contact with these prospects you are doing nothing more than pouring money down the drain. Do you have a capture process? What is your capture process? Once you have leads coming in, how are you going to communicate with your new prospects? Remember, traffic is worthless if you have no way of communicating with prospective buyers. As I mentioned in step 1, your job is to build the know, like, and trust factors. Understand, 97% of the people you connect with will not buy from you the first time. Therefore, understanding the sales process is huge for your success.

Speak to you next week.



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