How often should you post content on social media?

In this video I discuss that there’s a balance between how much is too much and how much is too little in terms of creating content online. There’s a balance between the two. Here’s the pro’s and con’s of each:

Too little:

You are not producing enough content or posting on a sporadic schedule. The issue becomes your reliability. People love consistency and when you are posting one day on a Monday and the following week it’s a Friday, and then you skip a week or two. It becomes difficult for people to get a sense of who you are. Content is part of your branding and part of branding is building the know, like, and trust factors. By not posting enough you come across as less reliable. Less reliable comes across as untrustworthy.

From an SEO perspective there is not enough data for the search engines to get a read on the type of content you are producing making it difficult for you to improve your ranking in the search engines. Remember, people use search engines to find information. If you’re sporadic and all over the place, in terms of your message, I becomes difficult to get noticed.

Too much:

Let’s face it, if you have been doing this for any length of time you know how difficult it can be to come up with solid content that will resonate with your audience. You can’t wing it. You must consider the planning, the editing, and the research that goes into a quality piece of work. Even then, there’s no guarantee that it will be a hit. Because of factors, you are constantly facing the possibility of not producing enough high-quality content. This means they are short in length and not offering much in terms of value.

Next, you are just plain annoying. People don’t mind getting emails from you if you have something to deliver. But if you are bombarding people’s email folders with worthless information, it’s a quick way of getting unsubscribed. With a bad reputation your content starts ending up in spam folders defeating the purpose of having an email list.

Conclusion is to come up with a consistent schedule, one that you can adhere to, whether that is once or twice/week and put some effort into what you are doing. Your reputation is all you have. Put your best foot forward and get yourself to stand out from the masses.

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