The pillars of a great social media strategy

There are 4 stages or pillars that are necessary in operating a successful business online regardless of the niche.

The first pillar is to generate and send qualified prospects to your offers and this is accomplished by understanding who your target audience is. There are worksheets and countless articles available on how to create the ideal customer persona.

After getting traffic coming in, you need a way of capturing names and addresses or whatever data you require. Most of the time you’re looking for an email address. The email is going to be your way of remaining in contact with this person. The key to email marketing is to understand where they are in the sales process.

It is rare that someone will buy on the first interaction, and this is where the sales and follow-up come into play, pillars 3 and 4. This is sending out messages, connecting with them, and If they aren’t ready to move ahead, you rotate them back into the follow-up process. This process continues until there is either a positive or negative outcome.

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