My Following

Last week I spoke about Identity shift’s. This week, I feel like talking about. Why am I doing this?

First, This is something I question myself everyday? Can I make a just a little money? Could this be a viable option for someone to make money on the side? Who am appealing too? Am I appealing to the small business builder who wants to make $300 to $500 per month, or someone making $10,000+ per month? For many people making an additional $300 to $500 would be a game changer. This is who I am appealing too. If you haven’t noticed, I am not a big name in the world of network marketing, affiliate marketing, blogging, small business advertising to name just a few. As I have mentioned in My first blog I have been trying and attempting to make money from home for a long time. If you are reading this you are more than likely on a similar quest. You are or have followed people on various social media platforms, bought books, bought courses, listened to webinars, etc. From people having enormous success. but I feel many of the big guys forgot how difficult it is to make the first little bit of money. They say if you do this and do that you’ll have success. But don’t you feel there is a void somewhere out there? Do you feel they are holding something back? I feel this way. Like there is something missing. and I don’t see there is a voice representing the people just starting out on how to even make the smallest amount of money.

This is my question. What happens? Why do so many people fail? The low rate of success?

Second, Another reason for doing this is to prove to all the people that told me I was wasting my time, that this stuff is a scam, etc. In my opinion, we are in one of the greatest periods in time that anyone with a cellphone. some knowledge, and willingness to change their destiny can actually run a home business. So, why are more people not looking at this to make money on the side? Why is there such a stigma placed on a homebased business? My intent is to document my results so that you can see for yourself that you don’t need to have special skills. You don’t have to be a computer genius. From what I know now, it would make things easier. Remember no one ever started at the top and there is no free ride. You will work hard and you will have set backs, you will improve, and eventually you will outgrow what I have to offer. But until then enjoy what I share.

Trust me when I say it is very easy to say “do this, do that”. This is something I am dealing with at the moment. I get on the phone with support they say try this or do that and it should work. You do and it doesn’t. What gives. The advice I can give you right now is:

  1. The first mile is going to be the most difficult, Once you make your first $1000, from that point on all you have to do is duplicate your efforts. My advice is to follow and
  2. Use my lessons and things I have tried as a guide. By no means do I say everything to be true. I will offer my opinions on what I have tried what I had success with, what I have failed at. Technology is constantly changing so what is ideal today may not necessarily be the case now.
  3. Do your own research. but at least I can give you some insight on what I have tried.
  4. you are your own self. My journey is not your journey. you will have a different approach, this is why there is a comment button at the bottom for you to share information and help others succeed.

The purpose of this post is for you to follow behind my wake. This should shorten your learning curve and get you on the path of success sooner.

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