Email Marketing Terminology

Today I decided to introduce you to some terms that I wish I was aware of when I first got started in this online marketing adventure. Knowing some of these terms early on could have made my life a lot easier when I started out. Having a basic understanding of these terms when you are putting together an email campaign or working on building a funnel it will give a better understanding of how this business works and the logical flow of how the whole funnel business works. Here is a short list of terms and I have given a brief explanation for why I thought them important:

  • opt-in rate- % of people that are opening your email
  • single opt-in form- there is only one line is filled out and you can receive the offer being presented. Example: your name
  •  double opt-in form- two forms are filled out and you will have to confirm your email in order to receive the offer. Example: your name and email address
  • domain name-this is the extentsion assigned to your website/funnel. This is how people will find you. You want to avoid the cheaper ext. will affect your reputation. spammers use the cheap ext and are aware of it can read more about( domains posts)
  • delivery rate- is the % of emails being sent by the provider. This should be close to 100% what brings this number down is bad email addresses.
  • unique opening- are emails being open only one time
  • opening rate- is the % of subscribers that have opened your email
  • clicks- are clicks on your links.
  • Unique clicks- are the one time clicks on a link

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