Fears of Prospecting

This week wanted to touch on prospecting. How do you go about getting people to follow you and build a following. Let’s face it, if you aren’t out there getting engagement, then what are you doing this for in the first place. But I believe one of the biggest hurdles, myself included, to overcome is just getting started and the fears of the unknown. This is where, in my opinion, that stops everyone from moving on. With the enormous amount of information out there on this subject it can be very difficult to figure out what to do. I myself are always seeing some email or someone saying on Linkdin I did this or I attained this certain result. Or you will hear Instagram, do this on twitter people are getting these types of results. Before you know it you are doing a little here, a little there. Which adds up to nothing getting done and results in stagnation, which means no results, leading to failure and then on to this doesn’t work and then the term scam comes out. It is tough and mentally challenging to stay focused and not get swayed from one method to the next. Look, I don’t think one method is better than the next, but which ever method you choose. Stick to it. you need to master one method and with the constant changes in how these platforms work there is always something new to learn. So, my first piece of advice is pick something that fits your personality. If you like doing more of the video type of thing then Instagram may be your platform of choice. Who is your target market it seems to be that the older crowd is on Facebook. So, look for your target audience and figure out which platform is best suited for you.

Next hurdle we are confronted with in this process are the age old questions of: Where do I start? and What do I do? This is where procrastination sets in and where you start the process of finding the next shiny thing and start putting things off. Why do you procrastinate? You have the fear of who is going to follow me, who am I and what do I have to offer someone. To me, this is a natural thought. I am no expert on this stuff so what do I have to offer someone, I am no authority on this subject. Though this maybe true. With this mindset it is very difficult to move forward. But I saw a very interesting post the other day. It went something like this:

Everyone who has 10,000 followers has started with one.

Second, you have to remember that even if you are just one step ahead of someone you can be of value to them. I am currently listening to a guy you just 6 months ago lost his job and is now making an income sufficient enough to cover the salary of his job and is now working from the comfort of his home. This is something to remember. You don’t have Guru to offer someone some guidance. Something that I have had to come to grips with; Everyone out there is looking for something that is going to improve or make them better. You maybe that person. The person with that offer that you think is stupid and no one will want to see this. But this little thing could be the one little piece of information that they are missing that could send them on their way of attaining a dream. Go out there with the attitude of finding the people that are slightly behind you and offer them that guidance to take the next step forward. So, when you think you have nothing to offer, think again.

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