Growth versus Fixed Mindset

Why I am bringing this up, Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset? If you have been following my posts you are probably trying your hand at some type of online business. If you are going to succeed you will need to have a growth mindset. If I didn’t I would have quit this thing a long time ago. First, let’s define the mindsets’:

A fixed mindset claims that you are born with certain characteristics, such as creative ability, intelligence, and character. Your success is totally aligned to what you were born with and no amount of training would change this

A growth mindset takes into account the above fixed mindset but goes beyond this by suggesting we can improve by working and taking action.

today is that when I look at what I have done and where I want to go is being accomplished purely by a growth mindset. When I started this thing I just had in my mind that I wanted to do something where I was able to make money while working on my own time. giving you the flexibility to not be tied down and can come and go freely. Over the years I have tried all kinds of things, primarily network marketing, and never had any real success or the success you read or what attracted you to the opportunity to begin with. Then we get lost or stay fixed on the end goal and not taking the necessary steps or intermediate stepsĀ  to achieve your goals.

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