A sales funnel, getting the most out of it


The sales process and this is often a touchy subject because most people think of sales this way. “Trying to talk someone into buying something they don’t want.” And this certainly does happen, resulting in you making a one-time sale. Unfortunately, two things happen: you will never see or hear from this person ever again and you have not built any relationship. Leaving you with having to start the whole process all over again.

This is where people struggle online, especially the people with the make money online mindset. These are people who want to be making money yesterday. To these people there is no such thing as cold traffic. It’s all hot, not realizing that every minute you spend talking to some unqualified lead you are wasting time and energy.

To make this sales process a positive experience for both parties. Two questions need to be asked: Do they have a problem your product/service solves? And can they afford your product/service? For all of this to work you need to understand what problem your affiliate offer solves. So, spend some time figuring this out before, blasting your offer all over the internet.

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