About Me


I want to thank you for coming to my page, but before I go into why I am doing this I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been in the coaching profession my entire adult life. I have been both self employed and have been employed by others. But for most of my life I have been self-employed. After watching my parents work, and the summer jobs I had during my schooling years I learned early on I had an attraction for working for myself. I always liked the prospect of being in control of my own destiny, with my own efforts dictating my results. I believe that people have either employee or entrepreneur mindset. But, like anything, there are pluses and minuses to your choices in life.  I soon realized that I was trading time for money, which is accurately depicted in Robert Kiyosaki’s “Cash Flow Quadrant.” Once I realized what side of the quadrant I was on I was on a mission to find ways to make residual income and this message has resonated with me my entire working career. Over the years I have tried many things, mainly network marketing.

Now that you have a prospective from where I am coming from. I can tell you that I am about to embark on a new mission of making money online. My goal with this blog is to document my journey from the beginning so that people can see whether or not making money online is a viable business.  I don’t want people coming back to me, when I have had some success, pointing to the fact that you are now blogging after you had results. Nope, I want to show people there is a way if you are willing to put the work in. I want people to say if this guy can do it, I can do it.