Affiliate Marketing is nothing more than a work in progress

The Current State of my Blog


My intent of publishing this post is more of a transitional piece centered around where I was a few years ago, starting out in affiliate marketing, and today. The analogy I like to make is, drawing a line in the sand. There is no real information to draw from this post, nor am I looking for likes and shares. The sole purpose behind this post is that if someone were to visit this site for the first time, they could distinguish for themselves where I am today as an affiliate marketer versus where I started a few years ago. I hope that they would see a stark contrast.

Second, you will notice that there is a gap in time. It is not because I stopped blogging but I was using a different host for my site. When I made the initial transition in 2022, I wasn’t able or I wasn’t aware of any method to transfer those posts, I just moved on. My mindset back then was that my blog was more of an afterthought than the priority it is today.

The transition


When I realized the limitations of the host and a poor decision I made based on not knowing better, it made more sense for me to switch back to the former host, the site you are on now.
After finishing the transfer, all of my former posts were intact, it was like I never left to begin with.
Instead of taking these former posts down, I left them up as a reminder of my journey, as an affiliate marketer, and put this on display to show anyone interested or curious, that you don’t need things to be perfect, any special talents, or state of the art. You just need a willingness to learn. Like yourself, this website is a work in progress.

Where am I going with this?

My intention, is to show anyone interested that you don’t start at the top. Even the Gurus’ started at zero. You will have your share of setbacks along the way, it’s part of doing business. It’s not the defeats or struggles that will stop you. What is important is how you handle these setbacks.

See you on my next post

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