August Update

This past week was spent learning about the term traffic, it’s various forms, the process involved in setting up your traffic source, the steps on how to create this traffic, and how to build an audience. Of everything I have learned so far, and there is a lot, building your audience  will be the greatest hurdle you will have to master. Your ability to build an audience is going to determine whether you will make money with your online business or not. After reviewing the various platforms on how to build an audience. At this point in time I have a general idea of who my target audience will be and I decided to devote my attention to using Facebook. Even though I am a little concerned with Facebook as my main focus due to all the media attention that it’s receiving and I’m not sure how these current events could affect a person’s ad campaigns. I realize that this is out of my control and I will adjust to the new rules. What I want you, the reader, to understand is regardless of what social media platform you decide to use and focus your attention to. When you are developing your audience, you must understand who you want to attract. And everyone is not the answer, but a more simpler way to figuring this out, is to decide who you don’t want.

Second area of focus, has been spent looking and reading books dedicated to blogging. Something that I found, is that many bloggers, hire professional content/copy writers to write and explain the authors’ vision. The reasoning is, if you’re not a great writer, like myself, it could limit your engagement of the reader. I see nothing wrong with this and they will have better engagement than mine. But, my purpose is to show you that if I can do it so can you. So until the time comes when I have too many things on my to do list, I will continue to write my own content. The silver lining of this is though I am by far not a good writer, the worst thing that could happen here is I become a decent copy writer.

As of today I have not been successful in implementing my website. My original plan was to be up and running the month of June, but has proved to be difficult with my current work schedule and having to work on tax deadlines. This setback has not deterred me from my goal. I instead, devoted this time to write and understand the art of blogging and formulate a plan on how to attract an audience.

Finally, Addons. I think this is a major concern for most people. The hidden costs of running an online business. I’m sure you have at some point have purchased something only to find out that there is more than what is seen on the surface. You are told you can get started for x amount or this download is free. The answer here is, true, but not so true. I am not suggesting that you are getting ripped off. But, in order to do what is suggested, or in most cases, what is produced doesn’t look at all professional. You are going to have to upgrade. How are you going to sell or attract anyone with less than professional looking sites. Also, free usually means no access to tech support. When you are starting out support is key. As I have developed a better understanding even for this short period of time, certain add-ons become necessary as you get a better understanding. Things that made no sense a month ago I now understand the use. So, only take what is necessary to start. Advice here is to start with basic plans and as you move along obtain the necessary updates and add-ons that you see fit. I just don’t want you going into this blind and thinking that you are going to incur monthly costs to this business. Is it anything like you would if you were operating a brick and mortar operation, no far from it. rea that has taken some of my attention is all the addons that are needed in order to continue this adventure. Many are one time, annual costs. Others are upgrades from free downloads. Finally some had to be upgraded due to the fact that I have developed a greater need for more analytics or services to build and expand. Then there are tools that I have paid for and haven’t touched because of lack of focus or that I haven’t devoted the time to incorporate there functions into my business, but will do so in the near future. I know this to be true, because as I move forward I will be spending less time on building the foundation of my business. The goal will be to let my offer from the website be functioning so I am no longer devoting time to on these details and can then focus my energy into marketing and  improving by blog. I have seen enough blogs to see that a slight improvement in my appearance could be helpful but not mandatory. Main thing will be developing content that people will find helpful.

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