Paul Fortunato

My name is Paul Fortunato, I live in Atlanta, Ga. I've been married for over 15 yrs. My mission is to help people find other ways of generating income. I have been self employed my entire life. Through experiences, many of them hard, I have learned and want to pass on my experience to others. I have been involved in coaching. I'm currently a Strength and Conditioning coach

Watch “Common challenges facing you online as an affiliate marketing” on YouTube Challenges facing affiliate marketers or online marketers are that you are working on your own and you have a lot of responsibilities. Rarely are you working with a partner. Because you are on your own and there’s no right way to operate an online business, sself-doubt can play a major role in whether you […]

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Watch “what makes someone successful at affiliate marketing?” on YouTube In this video I cover some of the attributes someone needs to become good at affiliate marketing, internet marketing. You don’t need to have all of them, but you need most of them and don’t worry if you aren’t good enough. If you work at it, you will get better. What is overlooked is

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Watch “An overlooked reason people fail at affiliate marketing. Don’t let this happen to you.” on YouTube There is more to running an online business than the physical aspect of creating content and marketing your business. Just as important is your support staff, your family and friends. By nature, we are looking for acceptance. Whether good or bad. A major challenge facing anyone working in the online space is that it

Watch “An overlooked reason people fail at affiliate marketing. Don’t let this happen to you.” on YouTube Read More »

Watch “Is affiliate marketing a scam or does it not work period?” on YouTube Often affiliate marketing or anything requiring dedicated effort by an individual that doesn’t work out is considered a scam. “If it didn’t work for me then it has to be a scam.” Then I ask, how can something work for some and not for others? Not suggesting there aren’t scams out there, but how

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Watch “5 reasons why people are attracted to affiliate marketing.” on YouTube In this video I give a few reasons to what attracts so many to affiliate marketing. There needs to be a level of caution here because each of these benefits is a two edged sword and if I were to use an Iceberg as a depiction, everyone sees what goes on above the surface.

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