I had an interesting week, as I am moving closer to getting things in motion. I heard a couple of things that resonated with me this week. Skeptics and review and improve. Why am I writing about this? Well, as you do anything worthwhile, Setbacks are abundant. How you deal with these setbacks is the key to your long-term success. Many people quit or change course once just after a few defeats.

Skeptics, want the results, but don’t have success because they are focused on finding problems versus finding solutions in what they do. If you are spending all of your efforts looking for problems that is all going to see. If you want to be successful you must have an enormous amount of belief. This is easier said than done. You will be faced with challenges on a consistent basis and if you don’t have a strong convictions it will be easy for you to quit. But think about this for a second, what if you were trying to become a scratch golfer and you miss a shot, do you quit or do you do what is the next point that resonated with me, review and improve.

Why the concept of review and improve resonated with me. I can use the above golf example or go back to my training days when I would practice a shot over and over until I got it right. This doesn’t mean you over analyze, paralysis by analysis. But you need to step back and review what is going well and what is not in order to achieve the results you are looking for. In athletics, as in anything worthwhile doing, you can quit or you get up the next day and continue to improve. But you want to see what you want to do well and what you aren’t doing well.

Finally, get rich forever, a long term approach versus the short term thinking of getting rich quick. Generally, when you are trying to make money overnight you are either taking unnecessary risks or chasing the next shiny thing. Chasing the next shiny object is very real. I have to stop myself from doing this all the time. These are the ads you receive either in email form or social media ads. Why this is an issue is if you aren’t really dialed in when things become challenging the offers saying you can make this with out doing anything. and this is very attractive on the upfront. then you look into all the upsells and tt hen all the time you spend learning there new system which ends up being no better than what you are currently doing, so you end up spending another 6 months at ground zero, when that 6 months could have been spent reviewing and improving you could be achieving the life you want. to develop something that takes some work up front but yields long term stream of income.

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