Calling it Quits

Normally I would like to be talking about the progress I have made over the past week in this new venture. To be honest with you at the end of this week I am at a stand still and at a point of throwing in the towel. First, I have a website that may actually be working, but don’t know if this is actually true, because my email host has blacklisted some of my email responses. I will go into this later. Second, I have a blog that I have been consistently posting to over the past few months, but I haven’t reached out to anyone and I haven’t driven any traffic to it. Lastly, I have created a Facebook business page, but I haven’t made a single post or anything to try or draw attention to it. The reason, I have nothing to offer. See, I have a lot of the pieces of the puzzle put together, but I need to be putting on the finishing touches. Like anything worth doing, the last 2% of your success requires and needs all the effort that you used in attaining the previous 98%. You have heard me talk about commitment and staying focused many times over. If I was purely interested in quick results, I would want to throw in the towel and if I were like most people and I am not, I probably would. I am here to tell you, and I am assuming that if you have been reading my posts, you are looking to make some changes in what you are currently doing. I could easily quit and retreat back into my comfort zone of coaching and continue on with my life as it is. Then I will wake up one day and wonder, I wish I did this or what would have happened if I did that. I no longer want to remain in that position. As I tell the players I work with, you must be comfortable being uncomfortable. an audience to,

Looking into the video component of advertisement. So  but I

Referring back to what I was saying in the first paragraph I want to give you some more detail on why my site is blacklisted. The purpose of me doing this is I want you to see all the steps involved and you need to stay committed. To do this you must have a strong Why. Before I begin, I want you to know, this is no fault of my autoresponder, Aweber. I don’t know why this is occurring. What I do know is the hosting company sent me an email saying that the activity to my opt in page is a little suspect and is protecting itself from having technical issues with it’s server. It could be spammers. Why is this a concern? Well this is my business. Even though my blog is my center piece I need to be able to direct you to reliable sources so that you can achieve what you want to achieve. What is happening is after you opt into my page and receive a thank you message, the results are less than consistent for my liking. It seems pointless to me to drive either paid or organic traffic to this site with the lack of consistency that I am getting. In other words if I were purchasing ads and you are hoping for certain response more than 1/2 of my people would never see the offer, those of you that would respond thru my blog would see this less than professional and would be turned off by the whole process. This is your time or money being invested here, so you want the best results possible. So, when it comes time to do any type of analytics (clickmagic auto responders) or split testing to determine if my opt in page is successful or not. These results would be skewed. If you don’t know the term, Split testing, it is a process used to make minor adjustments to an ad to  see if slight changes will increase the success of your ad. Remember, at the end of the day, the goal is getting people to opt into your page and see your offer. Here are some stats: of the total amount of the ads you send out, you should be getting between 30 to 50% to be opened and read, of this %  you should be getting between 2 to 5% conversion of someone purchasing something, As you can see, the numbers aren’t in your favor. So, if only a fraction of the ads I’m paying for are reaching my target audience I’m going to have to be getting in front of a vast number of people to make this profitable. With the first group numbers being inconsistent, because not being delivered this could be a huge waste of money on ad campaign dollars and not reaching the correct audience to begin with

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