
What are some of the critical mistakes a newbie affiliate marketer shoul… One of the most critical mistakes to avoid is whether you are doing affiliate or internet marketing. Is the notion of making 10K in a short period of time. What is promoted, for most people, is not reality. It’s not that it can’t happen, but it doesn’t take the path being promoted. A lot […]

What are some of the critical mistakes a newbie affiliate marketer shoul… Read More »

Putting together a sales page that converts This matter came up yesterday when I was doing a website makeover and we got into discussion of who their ideal client was and here are some observations. First, understand you are not the customer. You’ll think the message sounds great because you are the one putting the product together. “Why would anyone not

Putting together a sales page that converts Read More »

Lead generation and sales funnels. Every business whether you are working online or offline, you need to be bringing in new leads, if you want a business. As you evaluate the entire sales process, the lead acquisition phase is the most expensive to a business because you are acquiring these leads at a loss. Without making any connection with

Lead generation and sales funnels. Read More »

Creating content, why an ungated offer matters. Working in the internet marketing space it’s difficult to stand out. You may feel like, “why am I doing this?”, “why should I put in the effort when there is so much content being produced?” Being in the information age, the production of content is at an all-time high. There is an absolute glut

Creating content, why an ungated offer matters. Read More »

Struggling for content ideas? #contentmarketingstrategy Struggling for content ideas, we have all been there. You want to stay consistent; you want to create something that resonates with your audience, and you’re lost for ideas. This is where having a central location to store your ideas comes in handy. We have all been in this situation. Middle of night, tossing

Struggling for content ideas? #contentmarketingstrategy Read More »