
Is lead generation for your affiliate business that easy?

https://youtube.com/shorts/Hp3lVmZ6Ga0?feature=share This video is about lead generation and it may not be as easy as you are led to believe. I shre a few stats that shows you that generating leads for your affiliate marketing business requires some work. If you have been in this business for any length of time, everything is glossed over […]

Is lead generation for your affiliate business that easy? Read More »

Watch “Are you running an affiliate marketing business or going through the motions?” on YouTube

https://youtube.com/shorts/YPA5g6Qsxdc?feature=share3 Are you running an online business? I would say a lot of people coming into this space don’t truly understand what it takes to make money. They hear the stories; they hear how easy it is to become an internet marketer and in theory it is. All you are doing is marketing someone else’s

Watch “Are you running an affiliate marketing business or going through the motions?” on YouTube Read More »

Watch “How do I get traffic if no one knows about me?” on YouTube

https://youtube.com/shorts/v-kSF1IuRzc?feature=share3 In this video, is about the fact that today we are consuming more information than ever before. In fact, the average customer is exposed to 3,000 media messages/day and will only pay attention to 50 and positively remember 4. The consumer is no longer relying on the salesperson to be the sole source of

Watch “How do I get traffic if no one knows about me?” on YouTube Read More »

Watch “Why content marketing is replacing traditional media?” on YouTube

https://youtube.com/shorts/R9aa-9cRtS4?feature=share3 Content that you create is the only path you have to attreact potential buyers. In today’s world, it is too easy to tune out or switch a channel when an ad disrupts our viewing experience. So, it has become increasing difficult to build a client base and this is where your content comes in.

Watch “Why content marketing is replacing traditional media?” on YouTube Read More »

Watch “If affiliate marketing isn’t a scam, how do I start?” on YouTube

https://youtube.com/shorts/BRwyPnvoufs?feature=share3 If you are starting out you need to get customers. Without customers your business makes no money. So, how do you go about getting customers? Taking the approach of a business owner, in a conventional business you can rely on word of mouth as a way of generating new business. But online you can’t

Watch “If affiliate marketing isn’t a scam, how do I start?” on YouTube Read More »