Consumer buying habits. Why are they important?

Affiliate marketers or anyone selling online, we don’t give much thought to consumer habits. We just think everyone is our audience and we set out to promote our offers. Then we are discouraged when no one sees what we see.

Why are habits important? Let’s say your high-ticket offer centers around solo ads as a way of generating leads and on the other side is a person who focuses on direct messaging, both a habit. Now, if what you are trying to promote requires a habit change, one method over the other, you are facing an uphill battle trying to win them over.

What can you do?

First, you must create an internal/external trigger that gets someone to act. An external trigger could be to get them to learn something about direct messaging that isn’t directly related to you. An internal trigger could be they are looking for better results.

The action is to get them to view a PDF. By dripping out valuable information you will keep them coming back. As they keep coming back the habit is slowly formed. This is what is known as the sales process.

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