Creating a CTA, call to action, that converts.

This video is about creating a CTA, a call to action, that converts. You’re driving traffic, you’re generating leads, but you have no business unless you’re converting these leads into sales. I’m going to share 4 items that you want to keep in the back of your mind as you are planning out your marketing strategy.

  1. The CTA must standout. You can achieve this by using bold colors, by making it large but not obtrusive, and should be strategically placed whether it be a landing page or your website.
  2. Clearly define what you want the leads to do. You don’t want to leave anything to chance. Be sure they know exactly what they are getting and how they are going to get it.
  3. Create urgency. People aren’t going to act with urgency unless they are motivated. By creating a special offer or deal you will help move this process along.
  4. Position prominently. You want your biggest and best offer to display prominently above the fold, the part of the page you can see without scrolling. Any additional offers can be displayed elsewhere on your site.

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