Domain Names

Domain Names

In order to setup my blog, the first thing I had to do is to create a domain name. What I am going to touch on is some of the things that I am going to show you the process and avoid some issues I ran into. Here they are:

  1. Do some research on the name you are choosing. explain later.
  2.  put some thought into the name, because it shows up on the URL.
  3. Realize a name or idea may be available, but doesn’t mean it hasn’t been used in the past.
  4. Be aware the name you have chosen could have been blacklisted.
  5. Find a reputable source where not hit for upgrades. Check out interserver or namecheap.

I highly suggest that you do some research on your domain name before purchasing. I will tell you why and here’s a personal story. I would never in a million years have thought about this.  More than likely you will becoming up with names for your business and as you type this name in the cursor you will get a response letting you know if  the domain name is available or if it is registered to someone else. If someone else has it there is a price if you want to purchase from this person. People purchase domain names with the hope of selling it to someone someday for a profit. Here is what I assumed, since it was available I today, I never thought that someone in the past could have previously owned it at one point. So, I went ahead purchased the domain name and started building my ecommerce funnel. Before publishing my site, I went to test it. This being my first site, I was excited, then to my amazement I received an error message saying I was entering a site that is a deceptive, fraudulent, and warnings from Google. I couldn’t figure what I did wrong. It wasn’t until I spoke with my mentor on this project that I had used a domain name that has been blacklisted. At this point I was made aware of the term Blacklisted. If you find that yourself in a similar situation and your site is blacklisted here are some steps you can take to correct it:

  1. contact google
  2. fill out a form
  3. submit the form
  4. choose another name. Don’t hold your breath

Steps involved in securing a domain name:

  1. type a name in and you will see i
  2. f it is available and the annual cost  and will
  3. show you if it is avaliable and the
  4. cost

Remember that it will take approximately 24 hours to propogate. I finally had to contact support at Builerall. Going to xcp you can see if your potential domain name has been disconnected. the headaches was the loss of time and effort that i  had put in to building an offer page and connecting this to a bridge page. So, after disconnecting  I had to purchase another domain, so in addition added another cost.

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