Facebook Posts

As part of today, I have been posting  in my blog for a month and half. Up to this point, I have been primarily focused on me. What I have learned or learning and the process of putting together an online business. What I have come to realize this morning is: NO One reading this Cares about me. I get it. I’m not taking it personally. What you want to know is, can I learn something from this guy or is he going to just talk about himself. we all know how we lose interest when we get into conversations and all they do is talk about themselves, we run. Well I want you to stick around and continue to come back.

Now that I have some traction, some posts under my belt. I have made a conscious decision to write content that is helpful and beneficial to people reading and visiting this blog. Today’s post I’m going to address a struggle I have, am having, about posting content online. What brought this about was a comment on a Facebook where someone, in my community was getting bogged down on trying to figure out how often, what to write about, will I embarrass myself. The person was getting stuck on the idea of  writing the perfect content. I don’t entirely disagree, no one wants to look stupid in front of millions of people. That was me too. No one is going to want to read garbage, but don’t let it get to the point where you are not doing anything. This is what I have found, and this is my advice to anyone in a similar situation.

  1. Develop the habit of making daily posts. Start with 1 post per day and work your way up to 5. I understand 5 to be the magic number.
  2. Don’t concern yourself with what to post. Put something out there. No one really cares. The reality is, people are busy with their own lives. I’m almost 100% sure these same people have the time to watch and reply to every move you make. For me, I started posting my daily workout. Does anyone care? NO. Why am I doing it? I had to get into the habit of posting on Facebook.
  3. Over time you will find your voice and have more pertinent information to post. Until then, develop the consistency in posting.
  4. Vary your content. This will show people that there is more to you than your primary business. Find 5 things you like to do and rotate your posts through these areas. I have read this in more than a few sources. To give you an example, my 5 areas are 1. performance training. 2. online business. 3. fitness. 4. self-improvement. 5. nutrition.
  5. Authenticity. People want to see the real you. That you are more than your business, you’re a person. But before they will do business with you, they want to know if they can relate to you. Will you be able to solve their issues? Will you be able to  solve their problems?

That’s it. See you next week.

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