How do you choose a product to promote?

Though this question seems obvious, as marketers we don’t take the time to figure out this one important piece to running a successful online/offline business.

What we do is pick something that we think people need, not what they want, and we go out with guns blazing. When the smoke clears, we see little result in the actions we took. We wonder what happened.

First, what people need and what people want are not the same thing. Though we think we do things logically, we do things based on emotion. The first step is to get the customer to engage with you, from there it is an easier road to change an attitude or belief.

What normally takes place is we pick a product, and it may be something you aren’t comfortable with, then we try to figure out how we are going to sell it. instead of mapping out the marketing and sales process in advance. We’ll sit in front of a blank screen wondering what to write, resulting in a weak marketing message because we can’t connect with the customer.

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