How to build a sales funnel that converts.

Why most sales funnels do not convert well is because they don’t follow the natural progression of relationships. What many marketers do is they are going right into asking for a commitment.

A commitment is when someone is willing to take a risk on either you or your product to solve a problem. In most cases, this means handing over money. This ask for the commitment mindset comes from the idea of, “I want to make money today,” stemming from the concept that making money online is easy to do. But If you think about this logically. How many of you are going to hand over money to a stranger?

So, what is missing?

The first thing is curiosity about you or your product. Are you the person that can deliver a solution? If you can, then the next step to this process is to enlighten them by how your product/service can offer a solution to whatever it is that they are struggling with.

This takes time. Only then, when you have developed some trust, can you ask for a commitment to an offer.

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