How to get free website traffic in 2023

How to get free website traffic in 2023


Nothing unique here. They are all mediums in which you are familiar with. Here is some ideas for you to work with.

Create content.

Regardless of which medium you choose you need a strategy. A plan on how you want to move your client base from being strangers to a fan or becoming a customer. Outside of the obvious, a stranger is unaware or doesn’t know that a problem exists, whether it is now or in the near future. If you are going to connect with this type of person, they must be made aware of the potential issue or problem. Once they recognize there is a problem and you have a way of solving it, you are moving them along the purchasing path. Your ability to solve problems builds trust, increasing the likelihood of them purchasing something from you. The end goal is for them to see you as an authority.

With the content component out of the way, here are some suggestions:


If you are comfortable in front of a camera and you’re personable, this is a great option. In this format you can create anything from long-form, lives’, to shorts. YouTube is a site where people come looking for solutions. So, SEO is a skill you want to have in addition to creating quality videos.


Because it is using WordPress, written content is the focus. That being said, you can post video content on your blog, but it is more geared to written content. As with YouTube, SEO needs to be considered if you want to reach a broader audience.

Social media platforms.

There are several options available. You can use Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and there are many more. Again, as with many of these platforms, you have access to both video and typed content.


If you are great at expressing yourself verbally and a little camera shy, this has a place for you.


like Quora, warrior forum, etc. Are great for building the know, like, and trust factors because of the interaction with your audience.

Direct Messaging.

Reaching out to people directly using a platform such as Facebook Messenger or Instagram.

One thing you want to keep in mind as you are creating a piece of content. Is that all content can be repurposed on different mediums. For example, after creating a video, you can post this content on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Another option available is to strip out the audio portion and create a podcast.

A word of caution is that any organic strategy takes time to implement. Therefore, when designing a content schedule be sure that it is something that you can maintain over the long haul, because consistency is key. All these platforms reward consistency over volume.

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