knowing your Why

Why am I using this cliche called the Why? Anyone who has been involved in any type of home business at one time or another has been told to write down their Why. I have been told this over a thousand times throughout the years and like most of you I never did. Why? Because, like you, I thought it was a bunch of crap. I listed, knowing my Why, as an activity I put up there with the citing positive affirmations every morning. Not suggesting this is bad, but if I have to wake up every morning telling myself that I want to be positive and and why I’m doing this. I would think I have some bigger issues to deal with. Until now. Over my last few posts, as I have been putting the final touches to my website and I have had plenty of reasons to stop. There were infinite amount of times when I could have found other things to do, going back to my comfort zone. Instead I made the hard choice of taking the necessary steps I needed to, if I wanted my life to change. It seems I keep bringing this subject up again and again because I have the same distractions as everyone else. I have a full time job, I have a family, and then there’s life. So, I understand how easy it can be for someone to get distracted. This is why you must keep your Why fresh in your mind. If it’s not written down and accessable you will seep back into what you do best do what you are currently doing.

Wasting time on projects that aren’t moving you forward is another example of a distraction. For example, not long ago I had only an hour dedicated to working on my business and I caught myself sifting through, what I call, shiny object emails. You know the ones with the interesting tag lines promising to show you how to make all kinds of money with a click of a button, these so called shortcuts. You see how you can easily get distracted? At the end of the day you are no further ahead in advancing your future, and another 10 years go’s by and I am in the same spot. Wondering what if, would of, could of ,should of.

This leads me to my final point is the discussion of the fear of failure and/or the fear of success. Both are detrimental to your success. This could be another reason for not putting your Why on paper or, if on paper, fulfilling your Why altogether. The fear of failure is obvious. You set out to chase a dream or start some new venture and you are met with setbacks and your are afraid you won’t make it. you fail. Fear of success is that you are more afraid of the changes your life will have if you are successful, with more money coming in you would have more responsiblites your life would be different and you maybe uncomfortable with this new idea of success. This past week I stayed focused on only looking at what was going to get me ahead.. The goal here is to see if you can change things get some freedom. Now the one thing that comes to mind is how do you know what is legit and what is a scam. My filter is if it involves doing and putting forth effort then it is more than likely legit. when you start following take this website already made for you and you just stick it out there and it makes money for you while you sleep sounds a little skeptical. this is why people are leary or cautious because don’t know the difference between something valuable and something considered a scam. What I am attempting to do is to filter out some of these less than honorable. I am not suggesting they don’t work I just don’t believe they deliver what is promised.

Here is why you have to have a why. This is not something that is going to yield positive results over night. it will take work and if you are like me you have another job. You will be tired and life will get in the way and it is here where you are going to lose your way and go back to what you were doing before. And nothing is different your life is the same and years go by. and when things don’t do well which is going to be the case it will not always be smooth sailing you have to have that message that will keep you moving despite the set backs.

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