Lead generation and sales funnels.


Every business whether you are working online or offline, you need to be bringing in new leads, if you want a business. As you evaluate the entire sales process, the lead acquisition phase is the most expensive to a business because you are acquiring these leads at a loss. Without making any connection with these prospects too many business owners skip this phase and take these cold leads and try to monetize them with limited success.

How do you build this connection?

Well, the process starts by placing low resistance offers or by building your Brand’s awareness through content. Building with content, aka an ungated offer, is done by creating content through entertainment, inspiration, or education. Education makes it easier to curate. A gated offer is more complex in that you are asking for an email address in exchange for a promise. This promise could be a shortcut, a discount, or a solution to a specific problem in order to access the Free information.

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