My First Blog Post

My First Post

I want to start with my first post being the completion of a certification process. Over the last 3 days I signed up and completed a certification course on the basics of starting an online business. Each of the 13 lessons was taught via a video, after which, a test was taken. You needed to pass the exam before you could move on to the next section.

Once I completed this course I was given downloaded instructions on how to build a list of followers through the use of a blog. Over the last few weeks I have been in the process of building a website to handle the website you are at right now. This definitely had some learning curve built into it and I now understand that I will be constantly working on improving my site over time.

First, I had to set up a word press account and then find a domain name in which to connect to. I will go into the specifics of researching domain names in another post and some things I learned in the process. Some things you would never have thought of. Upon completing these tasks I started putting the details together.  I had to put together a home page, about me page and a contact me page. As you can see from looking my contact page, I needed to create an email address to attach to this website. Now I have to focus on details of how to set up the graphics, the headline margins, putting in artwork, side bars, etc.

As I said in the first paragraph. Building a blog will be an ongoing project. Over the past month, as I have worked on this first post, I have done a lot of experimentation with background colors to make this visually attractive to the readers.

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