My First Commission

This Past week I earned my first commission. I will admit that it wasn’t much. But here is what it did for me. It proved to me that this program/system I have incorporated actually works. What needs to occur now, is for me to get out there and begin telling people about it. What has me excited the most is that, what I have learned recently, no matter what your genre is, I have an educational program that can help anyone looking at building an online business.

After this last sentence. You are probably asking, “why are you now just finding out about something that you have been involved with for over 6 months?” Well, here’s where my head was at when I first started, I was so busy working on the behind the scene’s type of work that I wasn’t overly concerned with what the vehicle I was using. I just wanted the pieces to work. This in itself would be a huge victory for me. At the time, when I initially started this whole work from how idea, I couldn’t even build a funnel. I couldn’t even operate the software to the point of adding a photo and resize it to fit the page. I was stuck in this position for 2 to 3 years.

The first company I started with I didn’t even know I was trying to build a funnel. Today, with what I know now, that is what I was trying to do. I was participating in the training, listening in on the calls, but never really participating because the subject matter was so far out of anything I could comprehend at the time. I procrastinated. I spent 2 years working on the advatar for my MLM product and purchased a domain name I never used with the thoughts of someday and giving me the hope of someday I will get this done.

Then when the pandemic hit, I was still thinking MLM. I was determined to make this work. Every morning I was up going through training, You have to remember, I am watching people I know making great incomes doing this and I am thinking to myself if they can do it so can I, Through this training, I backed into my next attempt. Building a funnel again. So, I stopped doing this training, with the thought in mind of I’ll come back to this later. My first at, what will later be known as chasing the next shiny thing.

So, I signed up for the next thing that would help me get to my goal of working from home. I signed up to take this 30 day challenge. It was great, learned a lot, but after the second week I was lost. I hadn’t given up but I was a little down. I was desperately looking for something else to do. Then, during week 3 of the challenge came a Facebook ad that resonated with me. Chasing the next shiny thing, I purchased the book. All I had to do was pay shipping and handling. So, I felt I have nothing else to lose. I purchased it, Read it, and enrolled. And here I am today.


1 thought on “My First Commission”

  1. Pingback: Summary of My Journey 6 Months Later – Avoiding the Pitfalls

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