Network Marketing

In this post I’m going to discuss pros and cons of network marketing as an industry and as a business model. Not a particular business and/or how people view this industry as a whole. Why I am giving mention to this industry? First, it’s probably the more common thought someone will have when they think of a work from home business. Second, It’s a business that everyone has an opinion about, whether good or bad. Later I will give you some of my personal opinions based on my experiences and the FTC’s response on the industry.

First, I think you have to define what network marketing is. In my opinion, I see it as the process of going out and recommending products for people to use and you have the ability to make a commission on the sale. Secondly, you have the ability to start your own business if  you choose to do so. If you go this route you can develop 2 sources of income, one from product sales and another by developing a team of business builders. Developing of the team is where I see the problems with this industry. I believe the approach on how people handle this is a major con. First, the training companies put forth is a little misleading. All you have to do is get 4 or 5 of your friends and you can sit back and live at the beach. This couldn’t be further from the truth and this causes a high failure rate which leads to people saying it doesn’t work or its a scam. To be truthful it has never worked out for me either, but I know it’s not the company or the system yielding these results. It is me not doing the work. Like anything, it takes hard work, dedication to make a fulltime income from this industry and most people don’t want to put the work in to achieve this success. It could be fear of failure or it could be fear of success that stops people from doing this. They take the wrong approach, they go after people they know and keep going after them until the person runs from you. Now, we have all been on the receiving end of this kind of approach and ends up turning off a lot of people that could or would be interested and could do well by it. So there is a total lack of professionalism going on and giving those that are trying to do the business correctly a bad name.

Now if we look at how the government describes network marketing it is described as a total scam.  Go to FTC to check there description. I will either talk about it here or leave it for another post in the want another way of looking at this business from what you are actually doing and not selling products you need to sell or look into the business of building an organization. you need to look at how to own your life. I need to find the link about government view on network marketing. network

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