Putting together a sales page that converts


This matter came up yesterday when I was doing a website makeover and we got into discussion of who their ideal client was and here are some observations.

First, understand you are not the customer. You’ll think the message sounds great because you are the one putting the product together. “Why would anyone not like this?” Until no one buys it.

Second, listening to your relatives. They mean well, but more than likely have no idea what the product/service really does. They are offering an unsubstantiated opinion.

Third, thinking that the features and benefits are what motivate someone into buying. This is a big one because research has shown time and again that people buy through emotion not through logic. I get it, as a product creator we are proud, and you are viewing this from your own lense and not the person making the buying decision.

Your focus needs to be appealing to the following emotions: fear, guilt, and instant gratification. By appealing to emotions, you’ll make your website more attractive.

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