
What got me to thinking about this week’s post, is last week, as I was walking out the door to go to work I caught myself making choices. What I should be doing versus what I was conditioned to do over the last 20 years. I touched on this topic a couple of times over the previous months, Identity Shift and Belief. Anyway, I these previous posts and today I have been talking about immersing yourself in what the future you wants to become. Here is what happened to me personally. Currently I  work as a strength and conditioning coach  and in order to keep up with current trends I found myself purchasing an exercise science workshop. What I said to myself is that I didn’t think twice when I went ahead a purchased the workshop and got right in and immersed myself in the new material. At this point is when I had this thought come over me and this is the same attitude I need to bring, this intensity, to learning how to develop online marketing. Those of you reading this I don’t want you to think I am unhappy doing what I’m doing, but I want to give myself a new challenge.his is when I realized that I am not spent near enough time to come close to being successful. I have been told an hour a day is all you need. But I’m beginning to see this isnt’ the case. At this point in time I’m spending approximately 10 hours per week on this new endeavor and all I’m really accomplishing is writing this blog. I more than likely need another 10 hours to work on the marketing of my brand. My solution is I need to go into my day planner and figure out where these hours are going to come from

I will give you a personal example,  if I haven’t already mentioned I have been messing around with my business website for awhile, recently I have been test marketing it to see how it is doing and I am less than impressed at this time, I have 100% of the people being able to click on the website and it will give them a thank you note and go to your inbox to receive your free gift, this is where things become interesting. Some of the people fill it out never get the email at all, some will find it in their spam folder. I know this because of my mailing boss the collects email addresses is not be accounted for. Of those who do receive the email, there are 2 options one can take. the red button allows you to download my free e-book, the blue button, allows you to see my offer, which is to purchase a book and only cover shipping and handling. Now, of these people who are getting this far, a few get the chance to navigate both buttons, they can download my book and go back and review my offer. Others, get one click and neve see the offer again, it will pull up how to connect with me at my business email address

Why I am bringing this up is this is a perfect example of me being able to say this doesn’t work it’s a scam and i could easily taken this attitude and to be honest i wanted to because it is taking a lot of my time and is holding me back, But then I see other people doing it so i have to realize it is me, the lense in which I am seeing this through is going to be the same, so should I have someone look at it from a different perspective.

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