Should you be using data to create content?

With so much content being created these days and seeing the trend only increasing. It is only going to get more difficult to stand out from the masses.

The trend I see is to tell anyone wanting to start an online business to go out and create content, which is an accurate statement, to build an audience. Not long ago, the strategy was to simply write what you believed you thought your customers wanted to know and the thought of using data was an exercise in wasted time and energy.

I’m bringing this up because when I started out my main concern was to get content out there and see what sticks. After a while you want to see a return on your efforts, and this is where data plays a part. For you to beat your competition and get your customers’ attention you need to know what data is useful.

The 4 categories that data fits into. They are descriptive, behavioral, interactive, and attitudinal. The better you become at breaking this data down the better your content will resonate inside your niche.

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