Should you be using key performance indicators to run your online business?

Should you be using key performance indicators?

I don’t know if you are anything like me, but when I first started out in this business, one of the biggest mistakes I made was to assume that everyone was my target audience.

Part of my reasoning was I was so happy to have an operational funnel that nothing else mattered and knowing my numbers, such as how many people did, I needed to bring into my funnel and how many I needed to opt in wasn’t on my radar. It wasn’t until I realized that I wasn’t selling anything that it dawned on me that I was running a business.

This got me thinking differently. I realized I couldn’t be everything to everyone and that I had to focus on a finite group of people. So, by knowing my numbers I was able to understand who my audience was.

What I want to share with you is that the whole aim for using data or measuring metrics is to figure out or identify the path your best customers took to become a fan of your brand. Once you figure this out, you want to replicate this process over and over again.

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