Struggling to make sales online? #contentmarketingstrategy #affiliate

This video is about why you may not be making the money you feel you should be making, and it centers around the sales process.

The biggest issue confronting many people is the negative connotation of the word sales. Everyone hates salespeople. Unfortunately, every one of us is in sales whether you like it or not. If you are trying to get a job. You are selling yourself to the employer. If I’m trying to get a new client. I must sell the prospective business owner on the idea that I have the skills to carry out the task. For those reasons, to me, the problem isn’t sales, but it is how sales are approached. And if you look at the people struggling to make it online, and you were to take a survey, I will say a majority dislike sales. And I would venture to guess this same group are trying to sell something in the same manner that they detest.

Like anything, there is a right way and a wrong way. What is the right way?

First, understand very few people are ready to act the first time you connect with them. What makes online sales more of a challenge is that there is no physical connection. They are unable to associate a name with a face. At this point you are a stranger. I don’t know too many people that are going to hand over a large sum of money to a stranger.

Second, in today’s economy, a prospective customer is doing research long before they get to the buying stage and the best way to kill this opportunity is to pitch them on your product or service on the first or second connection.

Making sales takes time. This is why you need to know where that customer is at that moment inside the customer journey or the sales process. Not only is this important, but the sequence in which you do it.

So, before you tell someone how great your offer is. Spend some time to figure how your offer can help someone, build the relationship, show someone you care. You maybe surprised to see an improvement in the sales column.

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