Summary of My Journey 6 Months Later

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post titled My First Commission . In this post I told you where I was before coming in contact with my current mentor, Dean Holland. But, before going into some of the topics that resonated with me.

this is the book that has guided me through this learning process

As I struggled a grew frustrated because I conceptually understood what I needed to do. I had no idea the difference between autoresponder, building a landing page, what can I use as an offer. I didn’t know where to start. This is where procrastination sets in. Didn’t know what to do first, therefore I did nothing. At this point in time, in the back of my mind, I had my doubts that all I had to do was post some links, people would click on my link and I would make money. It seemed too easy. Before I continue with this thought. Here is where I went next.

First, I participated in a course that took me through 7 modules. After each module I took a short exam. Upon successful completion of the exam I could move forward. When I was finished I had a thourough understanding of the fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing.

Second, I began building my opt in page, my offer and linked them all together. though I just covered this in one simple sentence. This was not the case. If you have been reading my previous posts you will be aware of some of the struggles I faced. Here are some quick links: Calling it quits, Blacklisted Domains

Third, I was taken through the steps of building my blog. what you are reading today. Though the steps to set one up are easy. Like everything it takes work to be a successful blogger.

Finally, I learned about traffic and it’s various forms. At first, it seemed straight forward, But, I got bogged down with the whole Facebook ads. I read and listened to so much training on this subject that I felt completely lost again. As you have heard before, a confused mind does nothing. Didn’t know where to start; What’s a pixel? How do you put together an ad? What and how do you make adjustments in order to improve conversion rate? I’m thinking to myself how are people making or changing their lives in 6 to 12 months. It’s going to take me this long just to figure theses things out alone. This is when, finally, I got to the point of having to make a decision. I can continue as I am or I can reach out to someone and get some coaching. After the first coaching session I had an epiphany. For awhile, in the back of my mind, I was finding it hard to conceptualize that I could just post links out on the internet, drive people to these links through ads and make money. Well, being new to this whole affiliate marketer thing I didn’t ask a whole lot of questions. I was seeing thousands of people doing affiliate marketing. Therefore, it must work, don’t reinvent the wheel. This epiphany was so refreshing to hear. That you do in fact have to reach out to people and make connections by getting out there 1 by 1 and talking to people. Only thing frustrating by this is that it is something I could have been doing from day one.


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