affiliate marketing

Watch “Think big, start small, act fast if you want to be successful marketing online.” on YouTube This video is about getting your affiliate or internet marketing business up and running. You come into this business looking to change your circumstances. This is your dream. You are tired of whatever you have going on and you want to do something about it. More than likely, you don’t have the resources to

Watch “Think big, start small, act fast if you want to be successful marketing online.” on YouTube Read More »

Watch “4 steps. How can I turn traffic into sales?” on YouTube This video covers 4 steps someone takes to become part of your organization or a customer inside your business. Where they end up is dependent upon the objectives of your company/organization. Once your objective is set. It’s time to figure out which channel will be the best fit for your organizational plan. Some examples

Watch “4 steps. How can I turn traffic into sales?” on YouTube Read More »

Watch “Are you running an affiliate marketing business or going through the motions?” on YouTube Are you running an online business? I would say a lot of people coming into this space don’t truly understand what it takes to make money. They hear the stories; they hear how easy it is to become an internet marketer and in theory it is. All you are doing is marketing someone else’s

Watch “Are you running an affiliate marketing business or going through the motions?” on YouTube Read More »