
This past week is the first time that I felt like I was actually running an online business. The exciting part is that I can begin linking things together and focus my attention to the nuts and bolts of building the business by creating ads, getting people to engage, and create a customer base. At this point in time, I have 3 components fundamental to my business. They are my blog, my website, and my Facebook account and I was able to give attention to these 3 areas. Something I never did before. It is a great feeling. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you view things, what I have done up to this point is the easy part. It doesn’t involve me engaging with people, answering questions to problems, and doing the necessary leg work to keep people following you. Now I begin the adventure down the road of marketing. Looking forward to it, for it is an area I have no experience in. Which leads me to putting things in perspective.

I was reading a post, the other day, from someone in one of the many Facebook groups I belong to. This individual recently started having success in affiliate marketing and here are some of the points that resonated with me, I quote him as saying that most people don’t even make it past 30 days before they throw in the towel. For many their mindset is not right before they even start. They have an attitude of, I’ll give it a try or I will see what happens. First sign of difficulty they are out. But he went on to mention that if you consistently work at this for a year, you will have some success. Another stat that he quoted, that I thought very interesting, was in order to make a fulltime income you did not need an enormous amount of customers/clients. He knew people with just 2000 customers making 40k per month. As you can see, getting 2000 people isn’t unsurmountable task. But this is something that won’t happen over night. It isn’t that hard to do in one sense, but it does require, like I said in a previous post, like losing weight or getting stronger. The plan is simple, go to the gym  workout and eat right 6 days per week. The challenge is, will you be able to do it day in, day out month after month. That is commitment and that is what is at stake here.

To finalize this post. I will everyday do something to improve even if it is something slight keep my eyes on the end goal and keep making strides. Eventually I plan to expand what I am currently doing and add additional revenue streams. Even with these new addons my blog will remain the nucleus of my business. I started out with my main reason for doing this, My Business, but have seen how I can take this blog and create multiple streams of income.

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