Unlimited content ideas for social media


In this video I cover 4 types of content that you can create. We all know these following facts to be true. First, you must be creating content if you want to be noticed and if you are looking to build a business online. Second, it is difficult to separate yourself from everyone else out there if you are producing similar content. Lastly, overtime it can be increasingly difficult coming up with topics to speak or write about. So, what types of content can you create?

Interactive content. This is something you see rather frequently. This is the kind of content where you generate feedback through quizzes, for example.

Humor and illustrations. This isn’t a mainstream idea, but it is a different approach. The only drawback is that it may not be appropriate from inside your niche.

Video is more mainstream and probably the most consumed type of content. You have a direct interaction with your audience.

Social media and user generated content is where you are creating dialogue with people online. Through this engagement you are aiming to get people to notice you and build the know, like, and trust attributes.

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