update on where I am at

I have been at becoming an online entrepreneur for over 2 months now and not happy with myself on what I have accomplished. Yes, I Suffered some set backs, having to file my taxes by July 15th, and a few busy weeks at work has put a damper on focusing on my business.

I recently purchased 2 books on blogging. one of the books suggested that in order to provide content that is relevant and to eliminate one of the larger stumbling blocks, consistent content, you need to have a schedule. Therefore, I am in the process of putting together a schedule for making additional posts over the span of 6 months.  It suggested a year, but at this point, 6 months is a long time.

The next step, after putting together a functioning website, blog, affiliate links, is to get people to request information and make comments. The process of enticing people to visit your site is called “Traffic.” There are 2 sources of traffic that you can use to generate these leads.

One, is organic traffic. Organic traffic takes longer to establish, but doesn’t cost you any money. The drawback is time. You are basically building an audience or following by getting people to like and trust what you are saying. This will not happen overnight and you must be consistent. Organic traffic is accomplished by reaching out to people on various social media platforms and putting content on your blog or podcast.

The other form of traffic is, Paid. Paid traffic, as the name suggests, is traffic that you pay for. The nice part of this is that it is an easy to implement. It is a quick way for you to generate income for your business. The risk of paid traffic is that, though it is easy to implement, there is a lot more to this than what appears on the surface. I will go into this in future posts as I learn more about this subject matter. I will tell you this, this is where you will spend majority of your time. The other drawback, you have your own money tied up in these ad campaigns. You are going to have to understand that it will take some time before you start making money. I, myself, when I first heard of paid traffic, I thought this is going to be easy. I buy some ads, people buy my product and I’ll make a fortune. Then, as I learned, the reality of this method sat in. This is going to require work and some research. So, if you want to make a profitable return on your investment in ads. Here are a few areas you may want to pay attention too:

  • Building a profitable ad campaign.
  • Who is your target audience? Everyone is not your target audience
  • What social media platform is best suited for your target audience?
  • Finding a reputable lead broker. This is someone with a huge mailing list and is willing to email your offer to their clients for a fee.
  • Analytics. Is your ad working? Are the right people opening and responding to your ad?
  • What data services are available to help you analyze what is working and what is not.

As far as developing a following. As I  mentioned above, this is going to take time, and I’m expecting this to be a challenge. That is to find people that will comment and respond to my offers. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to this and expect to learn a lot in the process. My hope from all of this, is for the people who are searching for a basic level of understanding of how to get an online business off the ground, find this page. As my knowledge improves and grows this will allow me to  pass on these findings and help you. As I grow you grow.

This coming week I hope to finally finish up, My business site I will keep you posted.

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