What are some reasons people fail in affiliate marketing?


Why People fail in affiliate marketing?


how to do affiliate marketing, beginning affiliate marketing, avoid the pitfalls of affililiate marketing. struggling with affiliate marketingMy feeling on why a majority of people fail in affiliate marketing, starts from the very beginning. From my experience, I see most people coming into this affiliate marketing business with the hope of changing their circumstances. When you view this business as a possible solution, you are excited and extremely motivated. Someone in this frame of mind is susceptible to approaching this business with seeing what they want to see. When you are in search for a solution to a problem, you are going to be attracted to anything fitting the narrative and good marketers’ know this.

This is where things get misinterpreted, and the wrong expectations are set. I’m not saying all program creators are trying to scam people. The Guru’s that I have come in contact with are above board and really want the best for people. Even here, being in these social groups, I see individuals complaining that the program doesn’t work. These are the individuals believing the program does all the heavy lifting or they purchase the $7 entry level program and think they have the keys to the castle.

Majority come into this business to make money. They don’t ask how; they want to know how soon the money starts rolling in. This expectation comes back to how people are being marketed too when they are doing research.

If anything, you do some research online and you will see your fair share of posts or ads, claiming 10K this ,10k that, and I have even seen 10k/day with minimal effort. If you see this stuff long enough, you will begin to believe the claims. My question becomes, has anyone done the math? If you have, where are all these people living?

Here’s are some reasons.



– Those that join a program come in thinking, “I have everything done for me. Now all I must do is buy some traffic and I’m good to go.” Then they run into hurdles because they are not getting the results they expected. For many, they believe they bought a printing press for money and when this doesn’t occur, they feel they got scammed.

Reluctant to learn new skills

– Once you get past, “seeing what you want to see.” You realize the program isn’t the solution. It’s what you do with the program that counts. Meaning you are going to have to learn how to create your own message within the framework of the program. For example, you may need to learn how to write effective emails or create content for a blog. All of this requires work and dedication. Unfortunately, this is where most get off the train. You see, you were marketed on how easy this is going to be, resulting in you looking for other solutions.

The “Freebie Seekers”

– This a group who doesn’t think they need any help, “I’ve got this,” and looking for everything for free. This is where I was and stayed this way for 3 years. Again, stemming from, how you were marketed too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you purchase everything in sight, but you do need to invest in yourself and your business.


– I have taken part in many of a training session over the years, always looking to improve. For example, I’ll see some training on how to get traffic. Great topic. Here’s the issue, the workshop is hosted by a multinational company with exposure. They do their thing and show you how easy it is. They press a few buttons and look, “we got traffic.” Unfortunately, when the average person implements the advice, having no exposure, they don’t have the same results. Leading to frustration. Or a person with a large following sends an email to an opt-in and they get a huge response. The person starting out, not so great.


– The approach here is when I have time. They want all the trappings of success, if it fits into their daily lives. If you want this to work, you must schedule your priorities. This means you write it in your calendar as a scheduled time. Not go through your day and see if you can fit it in.

All of this is in your control. You need to approach this as business and a business takes time and effort if you want it to work. You cannot take the approach of making money overnight with no skin in the game.


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