Why internet marketing may not be working for you?


You are in the same position as 1000s of others. This may not be your situation, but this is what I came across.

First, not willing to invest into their business. Looking for everything free. Free can get you started but what I see is if you want anything done right it usually calls for upgrades.

Second, working at this sporadically. I understand, people initially starting out have another job and other responsibilities. But doesn’t mean can’t do something each day.

Third, buying into the dream of results. There is so much garbage out there that anyone teaching or talking about the realities of running an online business falls on deaf ears.

Finally, treat this and operate your online business as if you opened a business on main Street. If you aren’t selling stuff, you figure out why not. If you aren’t getting enough people to look at your offers. Why not. If you are getting lots of traffic but no one is clicking through. Why not? Maybe it’s your offers or are you targeting the right people. You can do this.

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